
A Virtual Event for Spring Boot Developers (Batch No: 1)

A Virtual Event for Spring Boot Developers (Batch No: 1)

Online virtual free event about Java Spring Boot Angular

  • Start Date : 14-May-2024
  • Duration : 1 hours
  • No. of Classes/ Sessions : 1
  • Registration Deadline : 13-May-2024
  • Venue : Pencilbox Training Institute
  • Batch No : 1
  • Class Schedule :
  • Tuesday (09:30pm-10:30pm)
A Virtual Event for Spring Boot Developers apply


"Get ready to dive deep into Spring Framework and Spring Boot essentials at our virtual event! From a comprehensive Spring Framework overview to mastering Spring Boot fundamentals, we'll equip you with the knowledge to excel in building RESTful APIs with Spring Boot. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your skills and connect with fellow developers in the industry!"

Prerequisites : Basic Programming Language
Training Modules :

1. Spring Framework Overview

2. Spring Boot Fundamentals

3. Building RESTful APIs with Spring Boot

Event Fee : TK. Free

Contact info

+88 01313 363836

+88 02 41010090
