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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Installation & Overview
  2. Start a new Project in Premiere Pro
  3. Understand the Workspaces
  4. Exploring Preferences
  5. Exploring Keyboard Shortcuts
  6. Import and Organize Video Clips and Other Files
  7. 10 Keyboard Shortcuts to Help You Edit Faster
  8. OPTIONAL: How to Import Footage with Media Browser
  1. Create a New Sequence and Understand the Timeline
  2. Add Clips to the Timeline, Sync Footage, and Make Selects
  3. EXERCISE: Sync Audio and Video
  4. Basic Edits - Trim Clips, Split Edits, Slip Edits, and More!
  5. Add and Edit Cutaway Footage and Photos
  6. OPTIONAL - Editing Narrative Video Scenes Together
  7. Adjust the Size and Position of Your Clips & EXERCISE
  8. EXERCISE REVIEW: Adjust Size and Position of Your Clips
  9. Open Multiple Projects
  10. Close Multiple Gaps.
  1. Create a New Sequence and Understand the Timeline
  2. Add Clips to the Timeline, Sync Footage, and Make Selects
  3. EXERCISE: Sync Audio and Video
  4. Basic Edits - Trim Clips, Split Edits, Slip Edits, and More!
  5. Add and Edit Cutaway Footage and Photos
  6. OPTIONAL - Editing Narrative Video Scenes Together
  7. Adjust the Size and Position of Your Clips & EXERCISE
  8. EXERCISE REVIEW: Adjust Size and Position of Your Clips
  9. Open Multiple Projects
  10. Close Multiple Gaps.