
Trainer Details

Md. Auib Ali

Trainer bio

This Aiub Ali is a Lead Trainer Mobile Apps Java Spring Boot, Laravel,Python Since 2015. I am working as a Apps Development(Flutter) Trainer under ICT Division,IsDB IT Scholarship Project from few years.
Currently I am working as a Apps Development (Flutter) Trainer at BASIS -SEIP Project Tranche -3
I am working as a Flutter Trainer at BITM.
I am working as a Trainer Under IsDB IT Scholarship Project.
Working also as a Trainer at IT Training Institute in Bangladesh Offline or Online.
I have completed some Project as a Trainer Under ICT Division.
Head Coach Mobile Apps and Game Under ICT Division.
Web Design and Development Trainer LEDP Under ICT Division.
Android Apps Trainer under Kaliwakor High Tech Park ICT Division.

Java, Angular, Spring boot trainer-profile-pic