
Android Jetpack Compose-Build Android Apps in Modern Way (Batch No: 1)

Android Jetpack Compose-Build Android Apps in Modern Way (Batch No: 1)

From Basics to Advanced: Build Stunning Android Apps with Jetpack Compose

  • Start Date : 16-Feb-2025
  • Duration : 32 hours
  • No. of Classes/ Sessions : 16
  • Registration Deadline : 16-Feb-2025
  • Batch No : 1
  • Class Schedule :
  • Sunday (08:00pm-10:00pm)
  • Tuesday (08:00pm-10:00pm)
Android Jetpack Compose-Build Android Apps in Modern Way apply


Master the art of Android app development with Jetpack Compose, the modern UI toolkit. This comprehensive course covers the Kotlin programming language, essential data structures, functions, and object-oriented programming principles. Dive into Android and Jetpack Compose basics, explore advanced topics like state management, navigation, and architecture components. Learn to integrate popular libraries such as Retrofit, Coil, and Firebase for networking, authentication, and cloud storage. Enhance your skills through hands-on projects, including CRUD operations with Room, REST API consumption, and Firebase integration. Elevate your app development journey with Jetpack Compose!

Prerequisites : Basic understanding of programming concepts. Familiarity with any programming language (prior experience with Java or Kotlin is a plus). Basic knowledge of object-oriented programming (OOP) principles. Comfortable using an IDE (Android Studio preferred). Eagerness to learn Android app development and Jetpack Compose.
Training Modules :

Data types & Variables

Loops & Conditional Statements

Data Structures-Array & List

Functions and Lambda Expression

Extension & Scope Functions

Class & Object

Inheritance & Polymorphism

Abstract Class & Interface

Companion Object

Introduction to Android

Introduction to Jetpack Compose

Android Architecture Overview

Android Compose Activity Overview

Basic Composables – Text & Image

Layout Composables- Row, Column and Box

Composable Components- Scaffold, Appbars & more

Scrollable List and Grid in Compose

Material Theme & Animation

State & Composition

Stateful vs Stateless

State hoisting

Restoring State in Compose

Navigate to a Composable

Navigate with Arguments

Type Safety in Navigation

Nested Navigation

Bottom Nav Bar integration

State with View Model

Data Persistence with Room

Schedule task with Work Manager

Work with REST APIs

Retrofit and Coil



Cloud Firestore


Messaging & Push Notification

Project based on SQL using Room, performing CRUD operations

Project based on REST API, consuming JSON, Serialization/Deserialization

Project based on Firebase, performing CRUD using Cloud Firestore

Course Fee : TK. 10000 TK. 5000

Early Bird Registration on 21 January, 2025

Contact info

+88 01313 363836

+88 02 41010090
