
Practical OOP workshop (Batch No: 1)

Practical OOP workshop (Batch No: 1)

OOAD, Solid Principles, Unit Testing, TDD

  • Start Date : 02-Feb-2024
  • Duration : 32 hours
  • No. of Classes/ Sessions : 4
  • Registration Deadline : 01-Feb-2024
  • Venue : Pencilbox Training Institute
  • Batch No : 1
  • Class Schedule :
  • Friday (10:00am-05:00pm)
  • Saturday (10:00am-05:00pm)
  • Friday (10:00am-05:00pm)
  • Saturday (10:00am-05:00pm)
Practical OOP workshop apply


Welcome to the Object-Oriented Programming workshop, where the realms of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and the allure of SOLID design converge in a 32-hour workshop designed to elevate your coding finesse. Join us on a journey to understand the OOP fundamentals, the mastery  and artistry of the SOLID principle. Engage in hands-on exercises, real-world applications, and unit testing practices that put your newfound skills to the test. As we traverse each module, you'll not only learn to write code but to craft software with elegance and precision. Get ready to be enchanted by the beauty of code – welcome to this OOP workshop, where we shape the future of coding, one masterpiece at a time.

This collaborative workshop is jointly organized by PencilBox and Nerd Castle Ltd.

Prerequisites : Basic programming in any programming language.
Training Modules :
Overview of Programming Paradigms
Basics of Object-Oriented Programming
Key Concepts: Classes, Objects, Constructor, OOAD, Inheritance, Delegation, Encapsulation, Polymorphism
Practical Exercise: Designing and implementing classes, objects, delegation & inheritance, working with constructor
  1. Interface
  2. Method overriding
  3. Polymorphism
  4. Generics
  5. Practical Exercise: Designing & implementing interface
  1. Introduction to SOLID Principles
  2. Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
  3. Open/Closed Principle (OCP)
  4. Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
  5. Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)
  6. Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)
  1. Hands-on Exercise: Refactoring Code to Apply SRP
  2. Practical Implementation of OCP through Design Patterns
  3. Ensuring LSP Compliance
  4. Implementing ISP in Interfaces
  5. DIP in Practice: Dependency Injection
  6. Practical Exercise: Applying SOLID Principles to a Sample Project
  1. Importance of Unit Testing
  2. Writing Testable Code
  3. Code Quality Metrics
  4. Assignment: Unit Testing and Code Quality Improvement for a Sample Project
  1. Familiar with the known code smells
  2. Identify the code smells in existing code
  3. Apply refactoring techniques to remove the smells from your code
  1. Case Studies: Successful Applications of OOP and SOLID Principles
  2. Best Practices and Common Pitfalls
  3. Q&A Session
Nerd Castle Limited
Workshop Fee : TK. 7000

Contact info

+88 01313 363836

+88 02 41010090
