Full Stack ASP.NET Core (Batch No: 9)

Full Stack ASP.NET Core (Batch No: 9)

Full Stack ASP.NET Core

  • Start Date : 22-Jul-2022
  • Duration : 96 hours
  • No. of Classes/ Sessions : 24
  • Registration Deadline : 21-Jul-2022
  • Batch No : 9
  • Class Schedule :
  • Friday (09:00am-01:00pm)
  • Saturday (09:00am-01:00pm)
Full Stack ASP.NET Core apply


Full ASP. NET Core is an introduction to web development using Microsoft technologies including C, MVC, Entity Framework, SQL Server, Azure, and more. The course starts with the fundamentals, and it will show you insider tips to work quickly and efficiently with web technologies.

This course is organized by PencilBox Training (the Training wing of bitBirds Solutions)

Prerequisites : Experience with the C# programming language and object-oriented programming concepts Some knowledge of HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and JavaScript concepts Typescript.
Training Modules :
  • .NET Core vs. Full Framework
  • Evolution of ASP.NET
  • Tool and IDE Choices
  • WebHost Builder API
  • Startup Class
  • Configure Method
  • Configure Services Method
  • MVC Components
  • Configuration
  • Introduction
  • Requirements and Conventions
  • Dependencies
  • Action Results
  • Introduction
  • Persistence Ignorance
  • Object-Relational Mapping
  • Entity Framework (EF) Core 2
  • Introduction
  • Conventions
  • Layouts
  • Partial Views
  • Client-Side Dependencies
  • Razor Syntax
  • Razor Pages
  • ViewData and ViewBag
  • Strongly-Typed Views
  • View Models
  • HTML and URL Helpers
  • Tag Helpers
  • View Components
  • RESTful API
  • Routing Middleware
  • Route Templates
  • Route Constraints
  • MVC Middleware
  • Attribute-Based Routing
  • Introduction
  • Form Tag Helper
  • Form Submissions
  • Model Binding
  • Introduction
  • HttpContext Item
  • Session State
  • TemData
  • Introduction
  • Data Annotations
  • Model Binding
  • Input Tag Helpers
  • Validation Tag Helpers
  • Authentication
  • ASP.NET Core Identity
  • Cookie Middleware
  • Authorization
  • Claims-Based Authorization
  • Best Practices
  • HTTP Error Status Codes
  • Developer Exception Page
  • Status Code Pages
  • Exception Filters
  • Introduction 
  • Configuration 
  • ILogger
  • Introuction
  • Unit Testing
  • xUnit
  • Testing Controllers
  • Integration Testing
  • TypeScript 2 Revisit
  • Creating Component in Angular
  • Creating Models in  Angular
  • Model Binding
  • Creating Services
  • Using Http Services to Render Page
  • Managing Routes in Angular
Course Fee : TK. 15000

Contact info

+88 01714 121719

+88 02 41010090

[email protected]