
Java Spring Boot & Angular (Batch No: 1)

Java Spring Boot & Angular (Batch No: 1)

Java, Angular, Spring boot

  • Start Date : 20-May-2024
  • Duration : 64 hours
  • No. of Classes/ Sessions : 32
  • Registration Deadline : 19-May-2024
  • Batch No : 1
  • Class Schedule :
  • Saturday (08:30pm-10:30pm)
  • Monday (08:30pm-10:30pm)
Java Spring Boot & Angular apply


Early Bird Registration till 30 April, 2024

Prerequisites : Basic Programming Language
Training Modules :
  1. 1. Java variables, Java Data types, Java Control Statement,IF else, while, do-while, for, switch, break continue, scanner. 
  2. 2. Java variables, Java Data types, Java Control Statement,IF else, while, do-while, for, switch, break continue, scanner.
  3. 3.  Java Programming –Factorial, even odd, Prime Number, Arithmetic operation program etc.
  4. 4. Java –OOPs concept, Naming Convention, object and class, Constructor, static keyword, this keyword, Java inheritance 
  5. 5. Java Polymorphism- Method Overloading, Method Overriding, Super Keyword, final keyword 
  6. 6. Java Abstraction- Abstract Class, Interface, difference between Abstract and Interface, Java Encapsulation- Package, Access modifiers, examples of encapsulation etc.
  7. 7. Java OOPs concept examples, Java Array, Java Recursion, Call by value etc
  8. 8. Java Exception Handling- Try catch, nested try, Finally block, Throw keyword, Throws Keyword, difference between them, final, finally and finalize different, etc 
  9. 9. Java Multithreading- Overview, Advantage, life cycle, Creating Thread, run(),sleep(),start(),join() methods.
  10. 8. Java Collection-Java Map Interface, HashMap, LinkedHashMap, 
  11. 9. Java JDBC- Introduction, Drivers, Connectivity with mySQL, Statements, Resultset,etc  
  12. 10. JAVA 8 Features- Functional interfaces, Lambda Expression, ForEach Method, Method References, Optional classes 
  13. 11. JAVA 8 Steaming Api-  
  14. 12. Design Pattern – Singleton Design Pattern 

1. What is Oracle?

2 .Create Table,

3. Create Table As,

4. Alter Table,

5. Drop Table,

6. Oracle Queries

7. Oracle Select,

8. Oracle Insert,

9. Oracle Insert All,

10. Oracle Update,

11. Oracle Delete,

12. Oracle DISTINCT,

13. Oracle ORDER BY,

14. Oracle GROUP BY,

15. Oracle HAVING,

16. Oracle Joins

17. Inner Join,

18. Outer Join,

19. RDBMS,

20. One to One Relationship,

21. One to Many Relationship,

22. Many to Relationship,


24. AND,

25. AND & OR,


27. IN,



30. IS NULL,


32. OR,


34. WHERE  

1. Html5 :- Basic Tags, Table tags,Elements, Attributes, formatting tags, Table tags, Image tag(scr, alt), anchor tags, Form tags(all input type, textarea, select option,etc) , List Tags, etc 

2. CSS3 -Overview, How to insert css, types of css, CSS with help of id or class, CSS for font, text, image, link, table ,etc

3. JavaScript – Overview, Types of JavaScript, syntax, placement, Variable, operation, innerhtml, innerText, basic form validation

4.Javascript – Object, functions, events, and small, Collection Concept 

1. Containers,

2. Grid Basic,

3. Colors,

4. Tables,

5. Images,

6. Buttons,

7. Progress Bars,

8. Cards,

9. Dropdowns,

10. Navbar,

11. Forms 

1. Spring Framework Introduction,

2. Spring Project Run with IDE,

3. Dependency Injection,

4. Bean Auto wiring,

5. Bean Definition,

6. Bean Scope,

7. Bean Lifecyle,

8. Bean Post Processor,

9. Bean Factory,

10. Spring AOP,

11. Spring JDBC

1. Introduction Angular CLI Setup,

2. First Angular App, 

3. Components,

4. Creating new Component,

5. Understanding the role of AppModule and Component Declaration,

6. Understanding Component Templates,

7. Understanding Component Styles,

8. Understanding Component

9. Selector,

10. Property Binding ,

11. Property Binding vs String Interpolation ,

12. Event Binding,

13. Passing and Using Data using Event Binding,

14. Two-Way Binding ,

15. Forms Module and Two Way Binding,

16. Understanding Directives,

17. Using ngIf and Else Conditions,

18. Displaying Lists using ngFor,

19. Parent Child Relationship,

20. Getting Access to the templates using @ViewChild,

21. Directives,

22. Services,

23. Form Validations,

24. Filters,

25. Custom Directives,

26. Observables,

27. Navigation using Routers,

28. Making HTTP Requests,

29. Sending POST Request,

30. Adjusting request headers,

31. Sending GET requests,

32. Sending PUT Requests,

33. Response with observable operators,

34. Catching HTTP errors,

35. Using the async pipe with HTTP Requests,

36. Making an API Call.

1. Introduction, Environment Setup, Concepts from core Java: OOPS concepts (Data Abstraction,

Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism), Basic Java constructs like loops and data types,

Building Spring Boot Application, Normal Spring Manual Approach, Maven Overview,

Spring Initializer, Intellij Idea, Understanding the Spring Boot auto configuration, Core

Concepts, REST API Development, REST API Media Types POSTMAN,

Implement Spring Boot in standard folder structure (Root package for application class,

2. controller, service, model and dao.), Exception handling mechanism, Implement RESTful

Web Service using POST, PUT, DELETE and validations, Spring Data JPA, Implement

Hibernate Query Language (HQL) and Native Query, Rest Annotation with In

Memory, Database, PostMan , Rest Annotation with Relation DB,

MVC,MySql, Spring Boot Profile Components, Introduction Application. Properties, Multiple

Properties, YML File, Thymleaf Concepts ,Introduction, Example on Web Application Spring Boot Security/ Oatuh2 Concepts. 

Course Fee : TK. 8000

Contact info

+88 01313 363836

+88 02 41010090
