Master the art of full stack development with our comprehensive course, 'Full Stack Flutter: Building Dynamic Apps with Spring Boot and Flame.' Discover the power of Flutter, a versatile framework for crafting stunning mobile applications. Dive into Spring Boot, a robust backend framework for building scalable and secure server-side applications. Unleash your creativity with Flame, a powerful game engine for developing immersive gaming experiences. Gain the skills to build dynamic apps that seamlessly integrate frontend, backend, and game components. Join us on this exciting journey to become a proficient full-stack developer!
Prerequisites : Basic knowledge of any Object-Oriented Programming based language, like C++, C#, Java, JavaScript or PHP etc.
Training Modules :
- Variables and assignments
- Control flow
- Dart functions – Anonymous & Lambda Expression
- Positional & Optional Parameters
- Class and Object, Constructor & Constructor Overloading
- Inheritance, Polymor
- A brief introduction to Flutter Framework
- Widgets – Stateless and Stateful
- Widget tree, Widget types and Element tree
- Assets, Image and Icon
- Theme and Styling
- Layout Widgets
- Standard and Materi
- Gesture detector
- Dismissible Widget
- Drap and Drop
- Flutter form and Form Field
- Radio Button & Dropdown List
- Declarative Routing
- Named Routing
- Routing on the fly
- Argument Passing
- Routing animation
- Navigation Widgets
- Stateful Widget and it’s lifecycle
- Global Keys
- Provider Package
- Change Notifier, Change Notifier Provider and Consumer
- Shared Preferences
- SQLite Database for Mobile
- Http Package
- JSON Serialization
- Exception Handling
- Camera and Storage
- Maps and Location
- Geocoding
- Firebase Authentication
- Firebase Firestore Database
- Firebase Storage
- Push Notifications
- Introduction to Spring Boot & Initializer
- Introduction to Dependency Injection
- Introduction to Spring MVC
- Introduction to Spring Data JPA
- Introduction to Spring Security
- Introduction to Flame Game Engine
- Flame Components
- Collision Detection
- Sprite and Sprite Animations
- Joystick Controller
- An E-Commerce app with basic functionalities, two separate versions for User and Admin. Firebase will be used as the backend.
- A Visiting Card Holder app,